October 2, 2010
by Admin

Windows Server Backup Customized for your Business


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Windows server backup can be a little tricky. The software included with Windows Server 2003 was very basic and didn’t offer functions which would facilitate off site data storage. With introduction of Windows Server 2008 R2, the functionality of the application has improved and can be customized to offer proper and full Windows server backup for your business. This includes off site storage.

Server Backups

Laser SPA NYC, a leading laser hair removal New York City company, asked Computero to develop a comprehensive backup solution. This would not only offer daily backup of their data, but to also include an off site backup solution in the event of equipment theft or destruction. Off site backups are now an essential for every business. Unfortunately, with many rising cyber threats, your organization needs maximum protection from data breaches. Now it is common for many businesses to have multiple backups, following the 3-2-1 rule for backups. Each organization should have 3 copies of data on two different media (like a disk and tape) with one copy off-site. This strategy will help to mitigate possible data loss and create a good disaster recovery plan.

There are many improvements in Windows Server 2008 R2 backup utility. The new utility includes off site removal of backups for disaster protection. You can save backups to multiple disks in a rotation. That way, you to move disks from an off site location. You can add each disk as a scheduled backup location. Then, if the first disk is moved off site, Windows Server Backup will automatically save backups to the next disk in the rotation.


Computero’s solution for Laser Spa NYC Inc. involved setting up multiple USB flash drives with capacities ranging from 16GB to 32GB. It also offered the manager the option to take the backup off site every week.

Thinking Ahead

Many businesses don’t think that far, but off site storage has become a part of any backup strategy. Computero offers solutions for all industries. Whether you are a busy 10 doctor medical practice covered under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) or a small flower shop, we can. We work with small and medium sized businesses in Queens, Long Island, Manhattan, Nassau County, and more. As long as you store information, it needs to be backed up properly. Depending on the size and complexity of your data storage, one must determine if your present solution is sufficient and if the organization can recovery 100% from a potential disaster.

A server backup should not even be a question, but rather, a necessity for every business. At Computero, we advise that every business has a proper server installation and recovery process. Look for a good managed IT service provider, like Computero, to help you get that. Read blog post about server basics and picking the right type of server for your business if you want to learn more.

Computero for your Windows Server Backup

Now that you know the importance of a good Windows server backup, you can get started with managed IT services. If you’re looking for a server and backup system, we are here to help. Please contact our IT Support staff to determine the best type of backup for you and your organization.



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